Personalized Run Coaching

Coaching Philosophy

I’m a UESCA certified coach, helping athletes achieve running goals across any distance — whether you’re training for your first marathon, trying to improve on your 100 mile time, or simply just trying to get fit and enjoy the process….I can help you get faster, dial-in your mental strategy, or help get you out the door.

Coaching Values:

1. Flexibility: You are in control of your schedule, I’m here to create a plan that you’re excited about and don’t dread. No matter how hectic your schedule may be, we can design a plan that works for you.
2. Preparation: No detail is too small. From analyzing course profiles, gear choices, or planning nutrition/hydration strategies, let’s dive into the nitty gritty so you’re confident heading into race-day.
3. Build for longevity: Building fitness happens with consistency over time. I take a holistic approach and focus on long-term health and injury prevention.
4. Structured & Data-driven: I create periodized training plans backed with data and research to help you achieve your goals
5. Enjoy the process: Having a coach should add variety and excitement to your training. My aim is for each athlete to learn something along the way so they can train and race smarter.

Running Experience:

5x 100 mile finisher
1st place - Oregon Cascades 100 mile (course record)
1st place - TARC 100 - 50 miler
1st place - Veluwezoom 96km 2-day stage race
1st place - Portland Oregon Shamrock Half Marathon
2nd place - Bear Chase 100k
2nd place - TARC Summer Classic 50k
2nd place - Rockport Triple Threat (1mi + 5k + Half)
3rd place - San Diego 100 mile
Ran 52 marathons in 52 weeks
2:39 road marathon (Boston)
1:14 road half-marathon
Multiple 50 mile+ Fastest Known Times (FKT)

What You Get

  • First 2 weeks of coaching FREE (trial period)

  • Intake call to review experience, goals and expectations

  • Custom training plans tailored to your needs

  • 2 guaranteed proactive emails per week to provide feedback, accountability and guidance

  • Unlimited calls and emails to review questions, training progress, and make changes to the program (life happens!)

  • Help with race strategy, including but not limited to: pacing, nutrition & hydration planning, as well as heat/altitude preparation.

  • Advice and custom programs for strength training to compliment running

  • No minimum time commitment

How it works

  1. Submit the form below

  2. Set-up and introduction - we’ll get acquainted and talk about your running goals